√ 陰道炎:何禹赤珠凝膠每天一支,連續用三支以上,即可改善。建議性生活前使用效果更佳,噴劑噴涂外陰預防細菌、病毒感染。
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? ? ??Vaginitis: He Yu Chizhu Gel a day, use more than three consecutively, it can be improved. It is recommended to use it before sex for better results, and spray the vulva to prevent bacterial and viral infections.
√ 宮頸炎: 何禹赤珠凝膠每天一支,連續使用六支以?xún)?,即可改善。建議性生活前使用,噴劑噴涂外陰預防細菌、病毒感染。
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? ? ? ?Cervicitis: If there is a peculiar smell, He Yu Chizhu Gel can be improved by using one bottle a day and using less than six bottles continuously. It is recommended to use before sex, spray the vulva to prevent bacterial and viral infections.
√ 男、女外陰有瘙癢癥狀的,用前把手洗干凈,使用何禹赤珠噴霧劑,噴涂瘙癢部位,可用手涂抹均勻,能較快抑制瘙癢癥狀。
? ? ? ??If the male and female genitals have itching symptoms, wash their hands clean before using. Use He Yu Chizhu Spray to spray the itching areas. Use the hands to apply evenly, which can quickly suppress the itching symptoms.
√ 私處異味:每天一支凝膠,連續使用1-2支即可祛除異味。
? ? ? ?Odor in the private parts: One bottle gel per day, 1-2 bottles continuously to get rid of the odor.